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Josh stopped in the store one night to see how long until i was going to be home and what all needed done for cleaning i told him and he left i went home about an half hour later to a clean house and a candle lite Mc D's dinner we had fake flowers and he put the food on plates and our soda in wine glasses had all the lights of and candles all around thats one of my most favorite moments because we didnt have money but we had love and thats all we needed to have an amazing dinner together.... we was the most thoughtful and caring boyfriend a girl could ask for i miss him more then words can explain <3
Hey one day at work my phone started to ring but all it said was Timmy Timmy Timmy, and i thought what the hell, I looked over at Josh and he was laughing his butt off, cause he put the ringtone on my phone..
Michelle Podolak

Josh's dad and his Uncle Dave gave me the nickname "Gargamel" when I was in middle school. EVERY time I saw Josh, he'd say "Hey Gargie!". Tim, Teresa, Josh, Amanda and Sam were like family. They often babysat MyKell and took her to a lot of Josh's football games. Josh grew up with my brothers; those boys were always taking stuff apart, riding bikes, building things, anything outside that had to do with dirt or grease. Then they grew up and continued to take stuff apart and get full of grease from head to toe. Except the stuff they took apart was bigger - trucks, 4 wheelers, snowmobiles, lawn mowers. Josh was a great friend to my brothers, Richie and Casey. And so in-love with Chelsea. You could see it in his eyes. Josh will be missed by so many people. He touched so many lifes. Rest in Peace, Josh.


Gargie :)


Jenny Diekfuss
Josh, so many crazy memories with you. You were one of the first friends i had when i moved here from the south. We've gone on and off from hanging out a lot to not so much, but no matter what when we ended up hanging out it was as if we talked and hung out every day.  I remember the summer before freshman year i was hanging out with you and we were going to go ride bikes to meet up with some other people and i looked at you and said, i haven't ridden a bike in four years, but you reassured me that id remember how and id be fine, you apparently didn't plan on the fact that i was going to almost topple over the first attempt but i figured it out after a little while.  Hauling golf carts with my mom was always a fun time! i think she trusted you on those things more than me which is weird considering you wanted to be able to go tear up the golf course on one while we were waiting for her to tell us to load them up.  and who could forget you stopping over at the house over summer if you saw either brittni or my car in the driveway. i will never forget you scaring the crap out of me while i was putting together aiden's toddler bed, thank you for helping me finish it by the way, but there's so many more memories you will be dearly missed and never forgotten!

I always remember the times of asking josh to go in his room and play his x-box and he'd always give me the same answer everytime i asked. The answer was always NO!! I soon got used to him saying no all the time so i gave up on asking. Everytime josh would leave to go somewhere (usually down to pattis to hang out with "THE BOYS") i would sneek into his room and play his x-box or go through and look at all of the stuff he had tucked away so no-one would find it. I do have to admit he did have some pretty neat things. After i was all done peeking at all of his things i would try my hardest to put everything back the way it was so he wouldn't even know i was in there. That plan always work until he got home. No matter if it was a toy car out of place or his blanket wasn't the same was as it was when he left he found out everytime I was in his room. He would always get mad at me and call me names but he then got over it. Until of course he left and I did the same things over again.

                                     love you big your sis amanda

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